Wednesday, November 11, 2009

one step forward

I have good news and bad news, bad news first... Our scale models never got in time for qualification so im very sad to say we didnt get the 1st prize in Quito. The bright side is that they gave us mention of honor cause they really liked the idea, just that they couldn´t change the results. Too bad, but this just makes us want to work harder on the concept. I met a lot of people in the Steel industry, it was a very positive experience, although i was missing one person in particular.

ok now the good news! We recently got called to do a presentation about the research in a conference for the architecture symposium week in our University, im happy to say there was at least 98% of acceptance. One of the professors stood up and qualified our concept as "pure science fiction", after a few minutes we got him to understand the idea and we presented him with the working prototype, everyone else saw the prototype as well and they really liked it. Well more than like it i think they understood it.

Professor Arch. German Trigoso (virtual reality studies in the school of architecture), bumped into me a few days ago and told me he commented our work to his friend from elementary school, Pier Maria Oddone (Director of the FERMILAB in Chicago since novermber 19th 2004).

Mr. Oddone will be in Lima december 4th and hopefully he will be reviewing our research. FERMILAB, as you all know, is the largest particle accelerator in the world, it´s advances in the medical field are remarcable as well. The laboratory uses electromengets that are 27km long to accelerate particles near the speed of light, so his guidance will be very helpful to us.

Tomorrow, Thursday 12th, we are invited to the Complex knowledge Institute held by the University´s Advanced Reasearch Center, to do another presentation, this time for a group of specialists that would be collaborating in case our system is ever to be built, it´s like a first hearing but with mechanical engineers, physicists, Medical doctors, civil engineers, architects, electronics engineers, electrical engineers, and the list goes on. This institute is interested in particular on projects that demand a higher lever of knwledge and expertise than a convensional architecture project, in which the architect is head of the team. ( in our project we need several different field directors: architects, engineers, physicists, etc...)

So tomorrow it´s kind of a big day because we will know for sure the doubts and concerns on other areas other than architecture, it is the perfect opportunity to know what we need to consider in the future.